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  在沙盘模型中,除了建筑物主体外,大多数都属于绿化类别。 沙盘模型主要由山,水,绿地,草坪,假山,假湖等模型组成。 场景制作是制作此类沙盒模型的重要组成部分,也是至关重要的一步。模型告诉您如何制作景观沙箱模型。 造树:造树的方法,首先将染色的海绵或泡沫塑料撕成 不规则的碎片。 然后将其绑定或绑定到双绞线或分支,以形成所需的天然树的形状。生产:制作绿地的方法是将选定的木粉染成不同的绿色阴影,然后将它们混合以产生更自然的绿色效果。 将乳胶均匀地涂在模型地板上。 在该区域中,均匀撒上混合的木粉。 乳胶稍干后,喷雾发胶使其完全固定。
  In the sand table model, except for the main body of buildings, most of them belong to greening category. Sand table model is mainly composed of mountain, water, green space, lawn, rockery and lake. Scene making is an important part and a crucial step in making such sandbox models. The model tells you how to make a landscape sandbox model. Tree making: a method of making trees. First, the dyed sponge or foam plastic is torn into irregular fragments. It is then bound or bound to twisted pairs or branches to form the desired shape of the natural tree. Production: green space is made by dyeing selected wood flour into different green shadows and then mixing them to produce a more natural green effect. Spread the emulsion evenly on the model floor. In this area, sprinkle the mixed wood flour evenly. After a little dry latex, spray gel is completely immobilized.
  水面制作:首先用刷子在透明或半透明的有机玻璃板的背面刷上准备好的蓝绿色刷子,然后将其面朝上放在模型底板上,然后使用假山, 破碎的石头和道路包围着不规则的水表面区域。 这里应注意,有机玻璃板的厚度不应太厚。 假山素描制作:制作假山可以使用泡沫塑料,纸粘土,苯板,石材等材料。 使用墙纸刀,镰刀,砂纸和其他工具修剪成所需的假山形状; 上色或撒上草粉。道路生产:道路生产应首先在模型基础上规划道路,并通过不同的布局材料实现路面的纹理和效果。 根据不同的道路,可以选择不同的材料。
  Water surface making: first brush the prepared blue-green brush on the back of transparent or translucent plexiglass plate, then place it face up on the model floor, and then use rockery, broken stones and roads to surround the irregular water surface area. It should be noted here that the thickness of the plexiglass plate should not be too thick. Rockery sketching: making rockery can be made of foamed plastic, paper clay, benzene board, stone and other materials. Use wallpaper knives, sickles, sandpaper and other tools to trim into desired rockery shape; color or sprinkle with grass powder. Road production: Road production should first plan the road based on the model, and realize the texture and effect of pavement through different layout materials. Different materials can be selected according to different roads.
  The above is about the sand table model planning in detail, hope to help you, if you want to know more, welcome to consult Texas model company http://www.jnsymx.com Official website.